Three Tall Persian Women is a comedic and touching play is about generational differences, grief, control, and learning to let go; but more than anything, it’s a love letter to immigrant mothers. Golnar, a punkish Iranian-American millennial, returns home to her mother Nasrin for the anniversary of her father’s passing and walks into hoards of family memorabilia that her grandmother Mamani has moved in with her. Get Shakespeare & Co tickets here.

State Police urge residents to avoid travel during winter storm


COLUMBIA COUNTY—Due to the expected blizzard conditions associated with the ongoing winter storm, the New York State Police are urging all residents to avoid non-essential travel until after the storm passes, according to a December 26 press release.

Major Michael A. Kopy, the Troop Commander in Troop K, which covers Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Columbia counties advises that additional troopers have been recalled to duty to assist with patrol responsibilities ensuring that disabled motorists and those in need of assistance can be reached as soon as possible.

“We are working closely with our partners at the New York State Department of Transportation at the Traffic Management Center and local municipal roadway crews to ensure that Interstate Highways, parkways and local roadways receive the attention required. That said, we are hopeful that most motorists will avoid travel today so that the road crews can tend to the road with as few distractions as possible,” Major Kopy said in the release.

While it is expected that Monday’s commute will not be as heavy as during non-holiday weeks, additional resources will be on post for the start of morning rush hour to respond to what is expected to be a higher than normal volume of calls for service. Those who must travel, should dial 511 or go to for the most up to the minute traffic conditions.

Additional information will be posted during the course of the storm by State Police: (914) 769-2600.


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