Bartlett wins big for sheriff


Weigelt beats Andrews in Claverack, Hallenbeck reelected in Hudson

GHENT–Unofficial and incomplete results from Tuesday’s election in Columbia County show that Sheriff’s Office Captain David Bartlett easily defeated former Albany County Deputy and current college security officer Mike Winnie to become the county sheriff-elect.

Capt. Bartlett, a Republican, led by a landslide 67% to 33% margin over Mr. Winnie, a Democrat, based on the count from voting machines from all 52 polling places in the county. The final results may change in this and other races when absentee votes are counted, but in the contest for sheriff the overall outcome will not change.

In the City of Hudson Tuesday’s results indicate Mayor William H. Hallenbeck Jr., a Republican, has won a second term, turning back a challenge from Democrat Victor Mendolia. Democrat Don Moore was reelected president of the Common Council, which remains in Democratic hands. All the city’s five supervisors ran unopposed.

In the town races, Claverack Councilman Clifford “Kippy” Weigelt, a Republican, appears to have won the three-way race for supervisor, unseating incumbent Democrat Robin Andrews. Ed Fertik ran on an independent line.

The supervisor races have additional meaning in this county because each town or city supervisor automatically becomes a member of the county Board of Supervisors, the county’s governing authority. Supervisors have a weighted vote on the county board determined by the town’s population, so the addition of Claverack to the GOP roster gives the GOP a stronger majority in county decisions.

The race for supervisor in Austerlitz saw incumbent Jeffrey Braley, a Republican, unseated by former town Justice Robert Lagonia, also a registered Republican, but nominated by town Democrats.

New Lebanon Supervisor Michael Benson, an incumbent Republican, defeated Democratic challenger Matthew J. Larabee.

In Gallatin Republican John C. Reilly beat Conservative Thomas M. Garrick in the race for supervisor.

Stuyvesant Republican incumbent Ronald L. Knott defeated challenger Lee Jamison, a Democrat, in the race for supervisor

In Taghkanic, Republican Erik Tyree bested Democrat Larry Kadish for the supervisor’s seat. But the Register-Star, the Hudson daily newspaper, reported Wednesday that 99 uncounted absentee ballots could affect the outcome there.

Local results are incomplete for the statewide ballot propositions and the contest for state Supreme Court judgeship in the Third Judicial District. In the three towns that had library funding propositions, the proposition in Hillsdale appears to have been adopted pending the final count; Copake voters appear to have rejected the funding proposal for that town. In Ancram, the proposition for that town’s contribution to the Roeliff Jansen Community Library was defeated.


Unofficial results of Columbia County Voting 2013


DEM – Democrat; REP – Republican; CON – Conservative; WOR – Working Families; IND – Independence

3rd Judicial District

Supreme Court Justice

(Columbia County votes only)

Richard J. McNally DEM, IND 7,066

Carol Donnelly Stevens REP, CON 7,319

W. Dennis Duggan WOR 474



County Court Judge

*Jonathan Nichols REP, CON, IND 12,211




Mike Winnie DEM, WOR 5,260

*David Bartlett REP, CON, IND 10,515




*Angelo Nero REP, CON, IND 12,184



HUDSON Citywide


Victor Mendolia DEM, WOR 574

*William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. REP, CON, IND 728


Common Council President

*Donald A. Moore DEM, WOR 784

Vincent J. Concra REP, CON, IND 454



*Heather S. Campbell DEM, WOR 678

Rachel Kappel REP, CON, IND 591


Hudson Ward 1-1


*Sarah H. Sterling DEM 127


Alderman (Vote for 2)

*Nick Haddad DEM 128

*David Marston DEM 130


Hudson Ward 2-1


*Edward C. Cross III DEM 171


Alderman (Vote for 2)

*Abdus S. Miah DEM, CON 158

*Tiffany Garriga DEM 111

Kenneth Ivey REP, CON 79


Hudson Ward 3-1


*Ellen V. Thurston DEM 193


Alderman (Vote for 2)

*John Friedman DEM, WOR 181

*Henry Haddad DEM, WOR 182

Glenn Martin REP, CON 92


Hudson Ward 4-1


*William Hughes, Jr. DEM, CON 107


Alderman (Vote for 2)

*Ohrine E. Stewart DEM 77

*Alexis B. Keith DEM, WOR 104

Derrick Smart REP 39


Hudson Ward 5-1+5-2


*Richard E. Scalera REP, CON, IND 395


Alderman (Vote for 2)

Eileen Halloran DEM, WOR 231

Megan Carr DEM, WOR 177

*Robert J. Donahue, Sr. REP, CON 305

*Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. REP, CON, IND 328




“Shall the annual contribution of the Town of Ancram for the operating budget of the Roeliff Jansen Community Library be thirty thousand dollars ($30,000)?”

Yes 160

*No 208


*Art Bassin DEM, REP 320


Council (Vote for 2)

*Madeleine Israel DEM 221

*Christopher R. Thomas DEM, REP 325

Arnold T. Anderson, Sr. REP 124





*Robert Lagonia DEM 371

Jeffrey Braley REP, CON, IND 216


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Susan A. Haag DEM, REP, CON, IND


Council (Vote for 2)

Greg Vogler DEM 301

Carol Pinto REP, CON, IND 298

Matthew A. Verenazi REP, CON, IND 373



Sharon Grubin DEM 387

Karen M. Kellogg REP 178


Hwy Supt

*Robert Meehan, Jr. DEM, REP, IND 491





*Richard Keaveney DEM, REP, CON, IND 343


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Charlotte L. Cowan DEM, REP, CON, IND 361


Council (Vote for 2)

*David L. Patzwahl DEM, REP, CON, IND 330

*Carrie Bither DEM, REP, IND 321


Hwy Supt

*Bernhard F. Meyer DEM, REP, CON, IND 353





Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Beth Anne Rippel DEM, REP, CON, IND 1,073


Council (Vote for 2)

Landra B. Haber DEM, WOR, Community First 562

Kandace M. Eaton DEM, WOR, Community First 557

Maria Lull REP, CON, IND 559

Henry V. Swartz, Jr. REP, CON, IND 572


Hwy Supt

*Joseph M. Rickert DEM, REP, CON, IND 1,048





Robin Andrews DEM, Claverack 785

*Clfford (Kippy) Weigelt REP, CON, IND 861

Ed Fertik, Freedom 79


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Mary J. Hoose REP, CON, IND 1,417

Council (Vote for 2)

Robert Preusser DEM, Claverack 684

Diane Boice-Yorck DEM, Claverack 670

*Brian Keeler REP, CON, IND 1057

*Stephen J. Hook REP, CON, IND 906




*Charles Edwin Hoag, Jr. REP, CON 1,314


Hwy Supt

*Louis C. LaMont, Jr. REP, CON 1,379



*Charles Brewer REP, CON 1,290




*Raymond J. Staats DEM, REP, CON, IND 415



*Mary Helen Shannon DEM, REP, CON, IND 416


Council (Vote for 2)

Dawn M. Brownson DEM 173

Ray Keeler DEM 109

*Robert G. Desmond REP, CON, IND 322

*Kris Gildersleeve REP, IND 234



Ronald W. F. Banks REP, IND 350


Hwy Supt

James C. Potts, Jr. DEM, REP, IND 415


Tax Coll’r

Joan Buser DEM, REP, IND 406




“Shall the annual contribution of the Town of Copake for the operating budget of the Roeliff Jansen Community Library be increased by eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) to the sum of fifty five thousand dollars ($55,000) annually?”

Yes 442

No 478

Council (Vote for 2)

*Jeanne E. Mettler DEM, REP, CON, WOR, IND 877

Matt Cain DEM 398

*David Paciencia REP, CON, IND 576



Brian J. Herman DEM, WOR 426

*Glenn R. Schermerhorn REP, CON, IND 561





*John C. Reilly REP, IND 189

Thomas M. Garrick CON 135


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Lisa M. Deleeuw DEM, REP 301


Council (Vote for 2)

Steven Sorman DEM 118

Joseph S. Grabarz DEM 115

*John Fraser Paterson REP 223

*Eric Mortenson REP, CON, IND 212



*Fred C. Schultz DEM, REP, IND 313




*Joel Craig DEM, REP, IND 534



Joyce Vale REP, IND 469


Council (Vote for 2)

Annie Provan DEM 220

Billy Kimmel DEM 231

*Matthew Phelan REP, IND 366

*Andrea L. Dunn REP, IND 335



Wendy Nack-Lawlor REP, IND 494


Hwy Supt

Richard W. Jennings REP, CON, IND 486


Tax Coll’r

Janice Mullins REP, IND 483





*Michael Benvenuto DEM, REP 650

Richard Sardo CON, IND 291


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

Michelle Radley DEM, REP, CON, IND 1,314


Council (Vote for 2)

Mallory Mort DEM, Ghent First 375

*Charles Wood DEM, REP, IND 727

*Lawrence E. Van Brunt REP, CON, IND 445



David W. Harrison, Sr. REP, CON, IND 1,091


Hwy Supt

Benjamin J. Perry DEM, REP, CON, IND 1,343





*John J. Porreca, Sr. REP, CON, IND 827


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Sharon Zempko REP, CON, IND 872


Council (Vote for 2)

George P. Super DEM 242

*Michelle M. Ublacker REP, CON, IND 540

*Clayton Clark REP, CON, IND 525



*Robert T. Brenzel REP, CON, IND 855


Hwy Supt

*Mark A. Gaylord DEM, CON, IND 558

John R. Hawks REP 443




“Shall the annual contribution of the Town of Hillsdale for the operating budget of the Roeliff Jansen Community Library be increased by eighteen thousand five hundred ($18,500) dollars to the sum of forty two thousand five hundred ($42,500) dollars annually?”

Yes 265

No 242

Council (Vote for 2)

Gillian Sims-Elster DEM 234

Peter Cipkowski DEM 213

Frank Velez REP 232

*Carmen Barbato REP 302





*Patrick M. Grattan REP, CON, IND 1,981


Council (Vote for 2)

Barbara-anne Johnson-Heimroth DEM, Community 1,066

*Patsy Leader REP, CON, IND 1,782

*Paul Voltz REP, CON, IND 1,498



Tom Puchner DEM, WOR 1,003

*Lisa M. Mills REP, CON, IND 1,425


Hwy Supt

*John Ruchel DEM, REP, CON, WOR, IND 2,242





*James J. Guzzi DEM, REP


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Tammy Molinski DEM, REP, CON


Council (Vote for 2)

Phil Williams DEM 242

Carly O’Brien DEM 197

*Philip J. Massaro REP 453

*Kelly McDonald REP, IND 441



*Robert Q. Moore DEM, REP, IND


Hwy Supt

David Lyons REP





Matthew J. Larabee DEM 298

*Michael Benson REP, CON, IND 386



*Colleen Teal REP, CON, IND 562


Council (Vote for 2)

Irene Hanna DEM 285

Trina Porte DEM 137

*Dan Evans REP, CON, IND 406

Chuck Geraldi REP 303

Joshua Schuster CON, IND 70

Kevin Smith Voice of the People 110



*Jessica Byrne DEM, REP, CON, IND


Hwy Supt

*Jeffrey A. Winestock DEM, CON, IND 330

Karl B. Chittenden REP 155


Tax Coll’r

*Tammie Darcy DEM, REP, CON, IND 637




Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Sandra M. Novak DEM, REP, CON


Council (Vote for 2)

Daniel N. Marcus DEM 193

*Kathleen A. Hamm DEM, REP 417

*John L. Drabick REP 339

Wayne E. Kinney CON, IND 209




*John J. Mabb


Hwy Supt

*Timothy Masten DEM, REP, CON



*John G. Unson REP





Lee Jamison DEM, WOR 256

*Ronald L. Knott REP, CON, IND 433


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

Nancy P. Thomas DEM 213

*Melissa A. Naegeli REP, CON, IND 478


Council (Vote for 2)

Edward Kiernan DEM, WOR 221

Melanie Donahoe DEM 234

*Edward W. Scott REP, CON, IND 451

*Brian K. Chittenden REP, CON, IND 438


Justice (Vote for 2)

Nancy J. Trichter DEM 220

Ned Depew, III DEM 195

*Joseph A. Bruno REP, CON, IND 466

*Carrie A. O’Hare REP, CON, IND 475


Hwy Supt

*Bernard J. Kowalski REP, CON, IND





Larry Kadish DEM, WOR 214

Erik Tyree REP, CON, IND 272


Clerk/Tax Coll’r

*Cheryl E. Rogers REP, CON, IND


Council (Vote for 2)

Joyce Thompson DEM, WOR 217

Linda Swartz DEM 198

Carolyn Sammons REP, CON, IND 269

Ryan Skoda REP, CON, IND 273



Jeff Tallackson DEM, WOR 227

William Leete REP, CON, IND 243


Hwy Supt

George Hotaling DEM 248

Bob “Rocky” Rochler REP, CON, IND 237


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