KINDERHOOK–There will be an ice skating rink at Rothermel Park in the village this winter as long as the weather cooperates. Village Board member Brian Murphy, a member of the Recreation Committee, said at the regular board meeting last week that the skating will be free and open whenever people want to skate. The committee is planning to host a Winter Carnival in the park with staking and other activities, February 16.
Mr. Murphy said the committee plans to add lights for night skating. But before any skating can begin the village DPW crew must construct a frame for the rink under the pavilion in the park and move an electric service box. Once those projects are completed the lining for the rink can be installed.
Village Clerk Nicole Heeder said that in the past the Rec Committee put out flags: green for when the rink was frozen, red for when it was not.
Also at the December 11 meeting, the board discussed the new German-themed restaurant, The Flammerie, that plans to open on Hudson Street in what was Blackwood and Brouwer Bookstore. Andrew and Conny Chase, who currently have a food truck called Black Forest Flammkuchen Co. based in Dutchess County, plan to open the restaurant in March but still need approval from the Village Planning Board. The Chases have brought their plans to the Planning Board and a public hearing date for the change-of-use permit is set for January 2.
“Everyone is excited,” board member Rich Phillips said of the new use for the building, which is owned by developer Paul Calcagno. He is renting it to the Chases.
Mr. Calgano is currently rebuilding one of his two properties on Broad Street at the center of the village destroyed by fire in November 2012. Code Enforcement Officer Glen Smith said that he does not know what Mr. Calcagno’s plans for that space, which was going to be rented by Rob Lagonia for use as a restaurant prior to the fire. Mr. Smith said he has seen the plans for the new Broad Street building and that Mr. Calcagno will have to go to the village’s Historic Preservation Commission to seek approval for the facade of the new building.
In other business the board approved raising permit fees for construction in the village. Mr. Smith said the board has not raised the prices in several years and that the new fees are similar to those charged by other municipalities. He also added a few new categories have been added to the required permits list, including permits for new boilers, electrical work and wood stoves.
The code enforcement officer said that last year a house in the village suffered damage form a fire caused by an improperly installed wood stove. He said that the changes will mean that installations involving these types of equipment must be inspected. The new permit fee schedule will be available on the village website,, and Mr. Smith said he would reach out of contractors in the area about the rates.
His office runs a deficit each year of between $4,000 and $6,000, Mr. Smith said. “It’s not a drastic increase, but it’s a functional increase,” he said of the rise in fees, which is expected to cover the costs of operating the Code Enforcement Office.
The board was scheduled to open bids on the major sewer project December 16, but Project Manager Jim Dunham said it will be at least a month before members will decide on the contractor.
“We are optimistic,” Mayor Carol Weaver said of the bids.
An email from the Village Clerk’s Office sent after the bids were opened said there were bids from 10 companies ranging from $826,999 to $1.1 million for the sewer expansion work. The budget for the project is $941,802, with village borrowing $231,465 and the rest paid for by state and federal grants and private donations.
The next village meeting is Wednesday, January 8 at 7:30 p.m.
To contract reporter Emilia Teasdale email