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Bouchard Junkyard might get off superfund list


NEW LEBANON – New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is proposing to delist the former Bouchard Junkyard site from the state Superfund Program site because it has determined that the site no longer presents a threat to public health or the environment.

The DEC will receive public comments about the proposal through April 5. Send written comments to Lawrence Thomas, Project Manager, NYS Department of Environmental Conservations, Division of Environmental Remediation, Remedial Bureau E, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 1223-7017. You can email comments to Lawrence.Thomas@dec.ny.gov or call 518 402-9813.

According to a public notice from the DEC, the site, which is on Route 20, “was used as an automobile junkyard from 1959 to 1971. All salvage was removed from the site in the late 1970’s and soils containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were excavated and properly disposed of off-site in 2009.”

Sampling done after the excavation of the PCBs from the site did not exceed DEC’s soil cleanup objectives for unrestricted use, except for a strip of land on the Route 20 right-of-way. “A Site Management Plan and Environmental Notice are in place to ensure appropriate handling of any remaining contamination in the event that future road construction occurs within the right-of-way.”

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