Many helped brighten Christmas for others


To the Editor:

The Christmas Basket Organizing Committee of Our Lady of Hope Parish, Copake Falls, would like to extend our gratitude to all those in the community who contributed to the Christmas Baskets this year. Your generosity provided holiday dinner to 138 families, including 305 senior adults and adults, and 248 children.

Our thanks to the following who donated their time and resources including: members of Our Lady of Hope parish; area churches; those in the community who donated baskets and canned goods; the Hillsdale Methodist Church Food Pantry for their help and support; the Hillsdale Supermarket; NASCAR Dave MacMillan, radio host and president of the Sunday in the Country Food Drive in Sharon, Conn., for the donation of turkeys and canned goods; the Columbia County Sportsmen’s Federation for their donation of venison; those at COARC for their donation of food; those who gave monetary contributions; the Kids Knit Club; the Girl Scouts; those who transported food and provided storage; volunteers from the Head Start program and all who helped with delivery; adults and youth who helped with packing and distribution, and to the children of the parish and their leaders who prepared food for the workers; and to the many other organizations who assisted.

Again, our appreciation to all who made this effort a success. We are sincerely grateful for the overwhelming generosity of the community. Thanks to all of you, many had a brighter holiday!

Jo David

Our Lady of Hope Parish

Copake Falls

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