To the Editor:
The recently closed New Lebanon Supermarket is a like a sharp belly blow to the shoppers and to the business district. Let’s face it. No one store can compete with Price Chopper in Chatham (slated for expansion) and Big Y in Pittsfield. Why Try?
Transportation to distant stores is a cost too. “Farmer’s markets” are increasingly popular. Clean and safe food, grown locally, are attractive. An association of such vendors as well as frozen, canned, boxed food sellers could share costs. Limited? Yes… but needed foods would be the aim. Save us trips to far away.
There is another, smaller, again-empty store near the closed supermarket . I’d love to see that space sell only needed household, garage, kitchen, bathroom, pet, garden, and very limited hardware items. Basic, basic, basic! All craft items, snack foods, antiques, liquors, coffees, newspapers, sweets, sandwiches and gifty things are sold elsewhere already.
My three to four trips to New Lebanon are now down to two. More of my money will now go to Berkshire County on my Friday shopping loop. More again will go to Chatham. The post office, Bucky’s Bagels and the library (plus the flea market in season) are my remaining reasons to go to New Lebanon. I welcome responses to my words here.
Andy Meier