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Body, Mind & Spirit: New/old pearls of wisdom: Part I


By Pat Larsen

For Capital Region Independent Media

Headshot of a female named Pat Larsen
Pat Larsen

I’m often asked where my inspiration comes from to write as many columns as I manage to produce in a month’s time.

I’m fortunate to have a lovely group of Baby Boomers and seniors to bring my fitness classes to and the discussions in class are always so interesting to be a part of and to learn from. So I owe a lot of love and thanks to each of my students for inspiring topics. 

I’m, in part, a teacher… but I’m always a student of life lessons and better ways in which to communicate and facilitate healing and deep, long-lasting relationships. 

This particular topic comes from always having a notebook nearby and listening closely as people connect with each other from all over. If you listen, watch and connect yourself with others, it’s amazing what pearls are constantly being shared.

WE are a very generous and caring generation.

So here are some lovely “pearls” from many different sources that bear repeating, re-reading, reminding yourself of and posting on the fridge if you’re so inclined.

This one is from the book “The Four Agreements”that I’ve written about at length before. Just one of those very important agreements that we make with ourselves when we arrive.


This refers to words that we say to ourselves. Everyday, the barbs we hurl, sometimes unknowingly, at ourselves. 

Think about that. What better example to set for yourself and everyone around you to speak kindly of yourself. Say and mean nice things that are bolstering  to your self-esteem. NOT, conversely, tearing yourself down… “Gee, I look awful today!” or “I’m bad at math!” and on and on.

Take the time to observe your own conversations and how it applies to yourself and make that one simple change and watch how others step up to that plate for themselves and you as well.


Our world is made up of an intricate web that connects us to opportunities to live our lives more fully. To live with purpose is a gift of focus that we give to ourselves. Act on ideas rather than just let them pass you by and ultimately forget them over time.

Buy yourself a notebook and just jot down subjects that are of interest to you. It then becomes an excellent future reference to step up to when you need more inspiration. Listen to your internal voice. Ahhh, that’s the way to get in touch with what makes you feel good, what you’re excited about and then that becomes a starting line for the kick-off of that next chapter.


There’s absolutely no reason to beat yourself up if you screw up.

Quickly reframe the situation for a future re-start.


Fear and worry will keep you from achieving the life goals you are trying to set for yourself. They build in a wall that requires some very high hurdles that have to be climbed over before you ever hope to succeed.

Courage takes practice. It’s like a muscle that you work that will improve over time. Identify the anxieties quickly and just as quickly say, “Thank you, but I’ve got this!”

Fear of making the wrong decision causes you to make no decision at all. Then there you’ll be aimlessly scrolling on Instagram again, seeing somebody’s else’s courage climbing right over your ideas. Ouch. 

Finally, for the purposes of this as a Part I of this topic…


It’s OK to exhibit a little healthy skepticism and that’s quite natural, actually. Stepping out of that comfort zone can and most likely will give you those butterflies in the tummy. Just recognize it for what it is… excitement. See yourself dreaming, playing out a scenario that you’d love to manifest in your life… I’m a huge fan of daydreaming.

Got in a lot of trouble from the nuns in school for that but ultimately it served me well.


If you’re ready, start with these few pearls, make them your own and I’ll be back with more next time around.

Pat Larsen has a passion for life and brings that excitement to classes and programs that she teaches weekly mornings at The Shamrock House in East Durham. Aside from being a syndicated columnist, Pat is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in an individual’s story to achieve the healing that each seeks. Contact Pat at 518-275-8686 or via email at Pelarsen5@aol.com. To chat.

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