GREENVILLE — Significant progress has been made on the capital project since the district’s last update in November. The project remains on track for completion in September of this year.
The middle school art room has been completed and students have been utilizing the space for a few weeks now. The finishing touches, like the installation of storage cabinets, were finished over break. The joint storage room and kiln room should be done in February, with the high school art room looking at a completion date after April break. Despite material delays, like windows for the high school art room, the construction crew has been able to shift schedules and keep the overall project timeline on track.
At the elementary school, storage solutions were installed in the classrooms that were renovated over the summer. While this was originally scheduled for the summer, shipping delays caused a shift in the installation process. The rest of the spaces in the east hallways will begin renovations after school ends in June and should be completed before students return in the fall. Additionally, the new, larger gymnasium is on track for completion this summer. While the art room will begin renovations this summer, the music department should be teaching in their new spaces by early April.
“This project has been a tremendous undertaking,” said Superintendent for Business Todd Hilgendorff. “The feedback from teachers utilizing the new spaces has been overwhelmingly positive. I’m especially looking forward to seeing the new art, physical education, and music spaces at the elementary school.”
Rich Outtrim, Director of Facilities, has been working tirelessly with the Buildings and Grounds team throughout the project. From moving employees in and out of their spaces to creating color-coded systems that expedite and organize their processes, this project has many moving parts and they have done an incredible job working with the construction crews to make it all happen.