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One student’s opinion: Studying struggles


By Aurora Anderson, 11th Grade

For Capital Region Independent Media

Is studying useful? Stressful? Greenville junior Aurora Anderson gives her take. Courtesy of Pexels

Editor’s Note: The Greenville Pioneer is pleased to present news articles written by Greenville High School students in teacher Chris Karle’s journalism class. Here is an article by 11th grader Aurora Anderson.

When asked if studying is useful, some Greenville High School students said they found value in studying because it makes them feel less anxious when going to class and more confident when testing. Two of the five teachers interviewed stated that students are more likely to study if they feel it’s valuable, maybe for this reason four of the five teachers interviewed don’t require study guides.  

However, only studying if they feel it’s valuable may not be the case. Students interviewed thought the reasons behind their choice not to study were more complex than lacking motivation or not seeing the value behind studying. When interviewed, almost all four students knew what they needed: to begin studying or to study more often. When asked why they don’t study more, students had concrete reasons.

In my experience, students in high school don’t enjoy studying. After talking with my classmates, I realized it might not be as simple as teenage rebellion or laziness, like some adults think. Stereotypes loom over almost all of our actions; some kids don’t study because they fear looking like a “try-hard.” Others mentioned that in some cases they fear being classified by other students as “nerds” or “not cool” by applying themselves in classes.

Choosing not to study brings up another concern some teachers have, for example, time management. Students need to manage their time wisely and set aside time to review class material. Many students interviewed said they don’t have time to study because of sports and clubs. But extracurriculars are just that, extra. They should not be prioritized over school. Participation in sports and clubs is based on passing grades and should be prioritized after classes. 

So, what should students do, especially when they feel stuck between balancing school, sports, and a social life? Sydney Hewitt is the guidance counselor at Greenville High School. She recommends taking advantage of the after-school help offerings and working with teachers during the school day. 

Ms. Hewitt has some advice for students who are struggling with anxiety around academics. She recommends making a study schedule and choosing a time when you have the most energy, making flashcards, getting enough rest, reducing caffeine intake, eating nutritious foods, and practicing positive affirmations. Another tip is to avoid talking with friends about upcoming exams, as anxiety could unexpectedly rub off on you and vice versa. 

Studying benefits everyone. Students and parents should work together to look at their current studying habits and prioritize the methods that work best for them.

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