By Dr. William Holland
For Capital Region Independent Media
Many are convinced that this life has been given to them to do whatever they want and technically it’s true that God has given every human a free-will to choose. Most will agree this is one of the greatest gifts mankind has been given, but the problem is that our carnal human nature does not want what God wants.
You see, the Lord desires to use us exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or imagine but the only way we can truly please Him is to do what He says. This sounds simple, but it’s no secret that humans are experts in the areas of compromising and negotiating.
When the subject of freedom is discussed, we think how amazing it is to have the liberty to live independently and make our own decisions, but this is based on human logic. When we make the holy vow to receive Christ as our Lord and to obey Him in everything, we no longer follow our own agenda. This spiritual reality is the most difficult challenge within the Christian life. Since we have also been given a clever mind, it is here where the real battle of good and evil is engaged.
Allow me to clarify, only those who have a passion to know and love God and are sensitive to His voice choose to participate in spiritual warfare.
It’s elementary to say that being a Christian is a dedication to living for God, but this is not as easy as it seems. There is no greater personal event than receiving Jesus as He transforms us into a child of God and secures our future in heaven among many other amazing blessings. The rest of our life is devoted to learning God’s word and our responsibility to obey Him.
We love to hear about all the benefits of being born again but become uncomfortable when we realize we are accountable for our lukewarmness and rebellion. For some, the only time they are serious about talking to God is when they need something. He has a purpose for all of us that is far beyond our dreams but until we invite Him to be our Lord and give Him control, we will not fully enjoy this astonishing covenant relationship He wants with us.
God does not force us to do what is holy, and sometimes it seems we are getting away with saying and doing wrong things, but we are not. The reason we hear so much about the importance of walking in the Holy Spirit is that we are constantly being tempted to make bad decisions. Yes, life is about choices. Some we’re proud of, and some we regret that will always haunt us.
For those who are saved and abide in God’s presence, the Holy Spirit convicts the conscience as a reminder to repent, which keeps our hearts content and in perfect peace. However, when we allow our fleshly nature to control our thoughts we become miserable as the weight of intentional sin becomes a dark heaviness.
Has there ever been a time in your life when you seriously wondered what else God has in store for you? We may be thinking about our career, considering a change, and trying to second guess about different opportunities around the next corner. Others might be trying to find love as they seek a trusted mate they can enjoy this life with. And then some are facing serious challenges with their health and are worried and stressed about how this is going to affect their future.
Whatever our trials and circumstances, it was never intended for any of us to walk through these places alone. His answer may not be exactly what we have dreamed about, but it will be a response that fits with His plans.
When troubled about something, it’s common to search everywhere we can think of for help. From reading books to listening to advice, we want to know as much information as we can so we can make the most informed decision possible. There is nothing wrong with this, but God also wants us to trust that He is the one with all knowledge and understanding.
We can be assured He has designed goals for us that are filled with hope and success (remember Jeremiah 29:11). He patiently waits for us to give Him control of our thoughts, and as we yield to this decision to submit to His desires, we will become His faithful servant.
Dr. William Holland is a Christian minister, chaplain and author. Read more about the Christian life at