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Greenville rejects cannabis sales, lounges
By Melanie Lekocevic
Capital Region Independent Media
GREENVILLE — Elected officials unanimously voted to opt out of permitting cannabis retail sales and on-site consumption lounges in the town one day before the state deadline.
After a public hearing Dec. 30, the town board voted not to permit marijuana sales and lounges by a 4-0 vote, with Town Councilman John Bensen absent from the meeting.
Towns and villages across New York state had until Dec. 31 to opt out, and municipalities that took no action were automatically opted in.
“It’s kind of ironic how they set it up — if you sit on your hands and you don’t do anything by midnight tomorrow night, you are automatically opted in and you can’t change that,” Town Supervisor Paul Macko said at the Dec. 30 public hearing.
Marijuana was legalized in New York state by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in April. Communities can only opt out of permitting retail sales and cannabis lounges; they are not able to ban recreational marijuana use.
For communities that opt in to permit dispensaries, there would be a 9% state excise tax on sales of cannabis products and a 4% local tax. Greene County would receive 25% of the local tax revenue and the remaining 75% would go to the municipality where the dispensary is located, according to the state legislation.
Town Councilman Joel Rauf said the law would strictly limit how much tax revenue the town could see should a dispensary be allowed in the community.
“The distribution of the sales tax revenue is very cruel,” Rauf said. “As a local town, we will see 3% of the sales tax revenue. So if a successful business has a million dollars’ worth of revenue in 12 months’ time, our town will only see $30,000 in sales tax revenue and that is if a successful business can get off the ground and have sales of a million dollars.”
Macko said he has heard from residents who don’t want the town to turn down a possible revenue source, but he, too, was skeptical about how much revenue could actually be generated.
Greene County Legislator Greg Davis, R-Greenville, urged the town board to opt out.
“In 2019, [former Gov.] Cuomo tried to dump this on the counties and it didn’t go over well,” Davis said. “A bunch of the large counties publicly said they were going to opt out. This went through in 2020 and the way it was designed is it was put onto the towns since it did not go over well with the counties. As a resident of Greenville, I am absolutely against the lounges and I heavily question whether we are really going to make a lot of money with the dispensaries. This is going to be more headache for the town than we need and my recommendation would be to say no because you can always opt back in, but if you opt in now, you are stuck — you can’t get out of it.”
Legalized marijuana has led to issues in other states, Davis added.
“All states that have legalized marijuana have seen an increase in deaths due to impaired drivers,” Davis said.
Rauf recommended the town reject both retail sales and lounges.
“My opinion as a member of the board is that we should opt out tonight and give the local community members an opportunity to referendum the issue, if that is their choice,” Rauf said. “That is truly the only way as a board that we should vote tonight — we should opt out and give the community the opportunity to referendum the issue.”
Local residents would have 45 days after the board’s vote to collect an adequate number of signatures and put the issue to a referendum by voters, town attorney Tal Rappleyea said.
Town Councilman Travis Richards agreed the board should opt out.
“I think it is in our best interest tonight to opt out with the option of opting in later on,” Richards said. “To me, this is a much larger discussion than the five people that sit at this table and the four people that are sitting in the audience. I would rather see some sort of referendum to allow the mass of the town to speak because this will be the face of the town, in reality, and let them decide what they want to see in the town, not just the five people sitting here.”
Town Councilman Richard Bear agreed.
“As a board member, I am very concerned about it so I would opt out along with the other board members,” Bear said. “I feel we are not set up in our zoning for this. It’s kind of a scary situation, plus I don’t like the idea that we are doing it just as a board — I think it affects the whole community and I think we need to go to a referendum vote in the community. That is a much better way to go about it.”
Greenville joins several neighboring towns that have opted out of permitting both dispensaries and lounges, including Cairo, Durham and New Baltimore.
‘The Horses of Unbridled’: A gallery exhibit to remember
By Susan Kayne
For Capital Region Independent Media
As the curator of the highly anticipated “The Horses of Unbridled” exhibition in The Gallery at CITIOT in Catskill, I stand amidst the stunning collection of photos, feeling the weight of responsibility and the exhilaration of the profound impact these images will have on our community.
This exhibit delves into the allure and elation of horses that Unbridled has rescued from abuse, neglect and the American slaughter pipeline. Each magnificent equine being in the collection represents the thousands of untold stories of their brethren who have suffered a tragic fate — their lives extinguished in the slaughter pipeline.
The heart and soul of this exhibit is not only in the captivating photographs captured by the talented artists: Trish Bode, Ron Klein, Tonya Hughes, John Quist and Holly Scism, but also in Unbridled’s mission to inspire a new ethical perspective towards horses. Through this curation, I sought to present photographs that I feel illuminate the sentience of each horse as a fellow being with whom we share and enjoy the gift of life.
The horses featured here are not mere subjects; they are intelligent, emotional beings with unique personalities and a spirit that yearns to be understood and cherished. I selected each photograph to capture the very essence of these majestic creatures, striving to convey their powerful significance, granting viewers a glimpse into the very soul of the horse.
In an impassioned quest, I carefully chose each photograph to immerse viewers in the unrestrained perspective of the horse delighting in simply being alive. Their expressions radiate their raw beauty and the joy of being loved and appreciated shine through.
For far too long, horses have been seen merely as tools for human use, judged solely by their performance and utility. This exhibit seeks to challenge that perspective by endeavoring to convey their profound and thought-provoking significance and unravel the layers of perception that have obscured the true nature of these incredible animals.
With the Saratoga race meet in full swing and the Saratoga sales garnering millions of dollars in yearling sales this month, all eyes are on Thoroughbreds. Amid the glamorous and exciting racing world, one must acknowledge that these magnificent creatures have a natural lifespan of over 30 years. Yet, for many, with their “usefulness” commodified, when they break down or they are no longer able to produce, no matter their age, they are discarded into the slaughter pipeline.
The journey of “The Horses of Unbridled” showcases the heartbreaking reality that even horses with illustrious racing careers and successful breeding histories can find themselves cast aside like inanimate objects. Behind every image is a compelling tale of rescue, redemption, and the transformative power of love and care.
Many of the horses rescued by Unbridled have raced at Saratoga. They were thrown away directly from active participants in the racing and breeding industry. The real rescue stories of the horses in the exhibit challenge us all to confront the inherent contradictions in how we value and treat these majestic creatures — from celebrated champions to abandoned and abused souls pleading for their life.
As the weeks unfold, and visitors walk through the gallery, it is my hope that they will pause before each photograph, taking a moment to contemplate the stories behind the eyes that gaze back at them. It is my sincere wish that this exhibit will ignite a spark of empathy and understanding, leading people to reconsider their perspective on horses and all animals as fellow sentient beings.
“The Horses Of Unbridled” will run through Aug. 27, in The Gallery at CITIOT, at 404 Main St., Catskill, providing ample time for those who seek to be moved by the expressions of these majestic creatures. But this exhibition is more than just a display of captivating images; it is a call to action, urging all of us to see horses for the sentient, intelligent beings they truly are.
I encourage members of our community to visit the gallery, to lose themselves in the stories told through the lens, and to carry home a masterpiece of their own. Each photograph is available for purchase, and the proceeds will directly support Unbridled’s ongoing efforts to rescue and protect more horses from suffering.
Together, let us take a stand for these magnificent animals, to honor their stories and create a world where compassion and empathy extend not only to our fellow humans but also to all living beings. Let “The Horses of Unbridled” exhibition be the catalyst for a new era of understanding, appreciation, and love for these incredible creatures with whom we share our world.
Susan Kayne operates the horse rescue organization Unbridled Thoroughbred Foundation, on the border of Albany County and Greenville.