GREENVILLE — The Greenville Rotary Club recently awarded $500 scholarships to five students from the Greenville Central School class of 2023.
The awards are given to students in recognition of their high school achievements, goals in life, work ethic, community involvement, leadership skills and financial need.
Three Greenville Rotary Club Memorial Scholarships were given to: Ryan Arp (for the William Von Atzingen business scholarship), Jessica LaManda and Andrew Hagan.
These awards are given to individuals from the graduating class for college expenses. They are presented in memory of Fred Becker, Leonard Ciufo, Walter Ingalls, and William Von Atzingen, Greenville Rotarians who exemplified community spirit, determination and the attitude that with hard work, anything can be accomplished.
Two Greenville Rotary Club Vocational Scholarships were awarded to: Stephanie Horlacher and Nick Trostle.
These awards recognize individuals who exemplify the ideals of Rotary and provide for expenses toward becoming established in a trade or vocation. Expenses may be further education, equipment or supplies necessary to achieve their chosen vocational employment.