By Melanie Lekocevic
Capital Region Independent Media
GREENVILLE — Santa and Mrs. Claus took time out from their busy schedules this time of year to pay a special visit to the children of Greenville this weekend.
Hosted by the Greenville Rotary, Veterans Memorial Park was turned into a Winter Wonderland just in time for Santa’s visit.
With fresh piles of snow and lit Christmas trees lining the park, Santa and the Mrs. arrived on a special fire truck from the Greenville Volunteer Fire Company, straight from the North Pole.
The visit each year takes place on the day after Thanksgiving.
Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived and greeted families at the park’s gazebo, called for the lighting of the trees, and then headed into the Community Room of the Greenville Public Library to visit with the children and hear their Christmas wishes.
The Greenville Rotary has hosted the program for many years. Each tree is sponsored by a local business or individual, and will remain lit up throughout the holiday season.
As always, the event drew countless families eager to see the Jolly Ol’ Elf.
Lisa Vincent brought her 5-year-old grandson, Nav’ie Jamison, to see Santa.
“He is loving this,” Vincent said. “He is having a great time. We look forward to it every single year. My oldest daughter is 27 and we have been coming every year for years and years and years.”
Each child visited with Santa and Mrs. Claus and had their picture taken. Rotarians also handed out raffle tickets to each child for a chance to win a girl’s or boy’s bicycle, but no child went home empty handed — there was a pile of toys for everyone to choose from.
For Rotarians, the event is a labor of love.
“I volunteer because this is a wonderful organization and we raise money for so many different things and we give it to all types of causes,” said Rotarian Eileen Cuffe. “Rotary does so many good things and this is one of the really fun ones.”
“All of the kids leave here with a gift,” Cuffe added. “It’s a wonderful, wonderful day and everyone is happy when they leave here.”
Rotarians Barbara Licata and Lesley Smith staffed a table at the door handing out raffle tickets and numbers for each child to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
“This is for the community, for the children,” Licata said. “For everybody that needs something, the Rotary is here to help.”
Smith has volunteered for the event for years and enjoys watching the children as they grow up every holiday season.
“I love seeing the kids come in to see Santa, it’s so much fun,” Smith said. “I just enjoy it and it’s so much fun getting all of our neighbors together, meeting everyone, and seeing the kids grow up. It just warms my heart.”
Here are more photos from Friday’s festivities.