By Pat Larsen
For Capital Region Independent Media
I’m constantly looking for answers as to why there seems to be so many wonderful activities and programs out there for every age group that are unattended or are poorly attended?
It’s certainly not because our local population is waning.
So much effort and time goes into the planning stages for many fun and interesting things to do all around town. I’m not sure what happens along the way that creates this disconnect.
Could it be that the medium used to advertise is through technology and if you’re not able to be reached through email or social media, you’re just not getting these invites? Perhaps.
Thank goodness, then, for the printed publications!
So, then what might the answer be to connect with especially the aging population, who seems so lost and stuck in solitude? I’m really searching for these answers.
Then there’s the matter of simply “showing up” and personal accountability that really requires more attention.
If you say you’re going to attend something, then do so.
Show up. If you get invited to something 20 times, maybe, just maybe show up at least once.
Friends and family can also help with those who tend to be shut in by encouraging activities for aging loved ones that would get them out of their homes and back into community or to church.
That’s another place that seems to contain more echoes of the past and hasn’t really regained its momentum.
It’s not because of the isolation from the pandemic of four years ago, is it? If you survived — and if you’re reading this, you have — then it’s time to get back into life and start to show up and have some fun again.
Please forgive the mild ranting, but after having seen such a poor turnout for a public event recently that made me so sad, I wanted to start knocking on doors and ask why? Where are you all?
Programs for the aging are everywhere. Maybe one or two curious folks make their way out to join in and to see what’s being offered but for the most part, no one is showing up.
Maybe, just maybe, if you see yourself among these paragraphs, you’ll rethink stepping out to be among the active again.
Pat Larsen is a fitness instructor specializing in senior and Baby Boomer health and wellness with classes and programs to help with growing wiser with age. Hence the topic of this column. Please feel free to SHOW UP and give us a try. Classes are offered Mondays and Thursdays at The Shamrock House in East Durham. Pat’s latest endeavor, Aging with Grace, features non-exercise-based programs to educate and excite the senses. For ladies and gents. Please feel free to contact Pat at 518-275-8686 or email