Aging with Grace: What IF…?


By Pat Larsen

For Capital Region Independent Media

Headshot of a female named Pat Larsen
Pat Larsen

I’m sure if you follow my columns, you already can hear the rant coming about something or other. Goodness knows, there’s lots of curiosities and downright confusing stuff happening everywhere you look.

If you’re new to my column… welcome!  

I write as a Baby Boomer, for Baby Boomers and seniors living in a world that seems to have moved on and forgotten that we birthed them all.

Yes, there’s good reasons to make this world, four generations strong, more inclusive. 

I want my grandchildren to learn to be considerate and caring to everyone they meet as well as patient and attentive. My expectation is that we all will be treated as well.

What if… everyone remembered to be gracious. Every day.

What if… kids were encouraged to come to the dinner table and put down their devices.

What if… doors were held open for someone with a cane or was obviously struggling with reaching an item on a top shelf in the grocery store who you could help.

What if… you just took a moment to greet someone with a smile, to say “good morning” or hello sincerely.

What if…  the new bathroom signage that isn’t very clear in this world right now, could also contain familiar words to help old geezers know which one they were welcomed to use. Words like, Ladies and Gents, alongside “Self-identified.”

What if… the degree of modesty that we’ve always known as senior ladies and gents were honored regardless of the excuse — “these are the times we live in.” Especially when we venture outside of our homes.

What if… younger kids and older folks were paired together to learn the how-to’s of using new technology. Isn’t that a perfect match, giving each age their dignity to learn from each other?

What if… our schools offered this kind of program and invited seniors in to learn as well. Might make the sting of increasing school budgets less of an issue if everyone was getting more from this education process. Wherever you live, BTW.

What if… we all just stopped grumbling, no matter what our generation, and found that we could be grateful for this wonderful place that we live in and for being in a country that is safe. And still pretty amazing. 

What if… sometime before we take our last breath, we could close our eyes in peace knowing that all was not in vain — the wars, the dial-up phones, the times before Venmo when paying for something was less complicated.

What if… some time and patience was shown to seniors to help with navigating payment options on tablets at check-outs.

What if… there were check-out lines for seniors dedicated to simplifying what used to be so much less complex when making purchases.

What if… there were programs where knowledgeable professionals could teach seniors about how to avoid scammers (I have tried every resource I’m aware of to bring someone in to teach at my Aging with Grace programs regarding this topic and have been repeatedly met with blank stares and unreturned phone calls, yes, even the Department for the Aging in Catskill).

What if… younger generations realized there are much simpler solutions than any AI can define. The old expression is “we know stuff and we do things!” Never more true than for seniors.

What if… you add your own questions to this list. 

There’s still time. Let’s just hope the younger generations don’t then wonder…WHAT IF we had just asked?

Pat Larsen lives, works and plays in Greene County with her husband of 50 years and their pup, Lily. Pat is a syndicated columnist, a fitness instructor, author and recent recipient of the Top Five Changemakers Award in Greene County, curator and director of her program “Aging with Grace…Growing Wise with Age!” which brings informative programs monthly to local venues. Interested in having Pat speak to your group? Let her know. Pat can be reached at 518-275-8686.

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