Whittling Away: Stagnation isn’t a bad thing


By Dick Brooks

For Capital Region Independent Media

Headshot of a man named Dick Brooks.

As I gracefully meander down the path of life, the farther I meander the more I find that certain things annoy me. 

Change is one of those things. 

I used to enjoy change, but it seems to make more sense to leave some things the way they were intended to be — like furniture.

The design of a room should be settled upon shortly after moving into a house. I’m not against input from the other members of the family or any other source, for that matter, but once the design is decided upon, I think the furniture should then be bolted or screwed securely to the floor. It should remain that way until the Day of Judgment. This would prevent the after dark toe stubbing, dancing and language lessons, although this seems to amuse Telly, my faithful canine companion.

Another example of change just for the sake of change occurred this week when I was driving past a new car dealership. There was a line of the new models shining in the sun. Casper the Friendly Kia is, to me, the ultimate car design — simple, functional and sturdy. 

His new relatives have a chrome mouth. Casper didn’t even acknowledge them as family members and we left wondering, why mess with perfection? I think I now understand why Henry Ford produced the Model T for so many years.

People tell me we change things to make them better. I’m using a computer to type this, but in the cellar is the portable typewriter I used in college. This is my third computer, this thing can do things that I don’t even know it can do.

It frequently does things all on its own. It highlights my errors and constantly chides me for mistakes. I can function with it, we have worked out sort of a co-existence kind of a deal where I won’t hit it with a hammer if it meets my meager needs. 

Other than replacing the ribbon occasionally, the typewriter sits and waits faithfully. It has never been serviced or adjusted and cost less than three months’ worth of dial-up services for the computer. 

It pleased me when I read recently that one of my heroes, Andy Rooney, typed his columns on a typewriter made in the 1920s.

They have even changed the basic needs. Have you tried to buy a pair of blue jeans lately?  We’re not talking designer jeans here, we’re talking a pair of light canvas pants for doing work in. I don’t want to buy a pair of pants with someone else’s name on them. I don’t want floral embroidery and I certainly am not going to pay a hundred dollars for a pair full of holes or a pair that comes pre-faded. 

All I wanted was a pair of dark blue jeans cut to fit a mature shape like mine to dig in the garden in, and it was hard to find them.

It’s not that I’m getting grumpy in my advancing years, it’s just that there seem to be more dumb things going on in the world and those of us who know better should speak up and tell them how to do things right! 

Could it be that maybe I AM getting grumpy? Nah!

Thought for the week — “The idea is to die young as late as possible.” — Ashley Montagu

Until next week, may you and yours be happy and well.

Reach columnist Dick Brooks at whittlea12124@yahoo.com.   

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