News Herald – April 27, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- The surface of the road on Church Street and the gutters have been put in good shape this week.
- Members and friends of the M.E. Church are invited to the parsonage this Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock when a welcome reception will be given to the pastor and his wife.
- George Shear is doing considerable repair work to his property on Westerlo Street.
- A large number of colored men (sic) have arrived from the south to work on the Sutton and Suderley Brick Company’s yards and for Powell and Minnock brick manufacturers.
- Among the new ones to acquire autos in this village are Miss Elizabeth Sherman, Elmer Wilsey, Clifford Smith, James Tracey and Harold Sherman.
- The regular meeting of the Women’s Club of the Town of Coeymans which was to be held May 1 at the home of Mrs. J.L. Bishop has been postponed until Tuesday, May 8.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sherman gave a party on Wednesday afternoon in honor of the 10th birthday of their daughter, Nadine. Eighteen of her girlfriends were present. Mrs. Sherman was assisted in serving by Miss Minnie VanEssen and Mrs. Henry H. Sherman.
- Today and tomorrow have your cans and rubbish at the curb so that the teams may easily load them to be carted to the refuse pile.
- “School, Community and Home Garden” will be shown at the church social in the Christian Church tonight.
- The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold a homemade bake sale in DeFriest’s store on Saturday afternoon, April 28, from 3 p.m. No goods will be sold before three o’clock.
- Harry Smith, D.S. McCulloch and Alfred and Frank Swartout visited the Meneely Bell Works in Troy on Tuesday as a committee from the Ravena Hose Company to inspect their bells for a fire alarm code.
- The Tuesday Study Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Hallenbeck on Tuesday. One paper was given by Mrs. Edgar DeFriest. There was a fair attendance and refreshments were enjoyed after the program and the discussion of the paper.
- A committee from the Board of Education, together with Prin. Rice, were in Albany on Thursday on business in connection with the furnishing of the new building.
Coeymans Herald – April 25, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Mr. Peter Pulver’s steam yacht Emily arrived Monday.
- Keep your eyes peeled for bogus half and quarter dollar pieces.
- The K.I. Co. commenced shipping ice from their Baeren Island house Wednesday.
- A meeting of the W.C.T.U. of Coeymans will be held at the house of Mrs. Milton Dean this Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock.
- As the law in relation to the sale of cigarettes and cigars to boys under 16 years of age has gone into effect, it behooves cigar dealers to obey it.