News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – July 4, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • Everything is in readiness for the celebration of the Ever Glorious in the village of Coeymans today. The booming of cannon and crackers will usher in the dawn, and the progress of the day will be attended by a large crowd, if the expectations of the committees in charge are realized. The members of the Coeymans Fire Department are looking for a big time, and considerable effort has been put forth by the fire laddies to make the day one long to be remembered.
  • The carnival has been the topic and attraction of the week.
  • The building recently purchased from S.H. and E.J. Sherman to house the new fire equipment has been placed on its foundation at the corner of Westerlo and South Main streets, and carpenters are now engaged in making a two-story addition to the front of it. When completed, the first floor will be used for the storage of the fire apparatus, the second for meeting and recreation rooms, and the basement for the storage of ladders and other equipment.
  • Chas. Pausley has opened an ice cream and confectionary store in the Gould building on Main Street, next door to the Schaffer stores.
  • Giles Gallup is planning to remodel the building he owns on South Main Street and which he now uses for a garage into a two-family house. The house will be moved further back from the street and will make an added improvement to that locality.


  • The girls of the seventh grade, chaperoned by their teacher Mrs. Oswald Griffin, hiked to McCabe’s beach for an outing on Tuesday.
  • Ravena Grange will meet on Monday meeting next. Final arrangements for the excursion to Kingston Point will be made at the meeting.
  • The first floor or basement of the Methodist Church will be remodeled to provide four classrooms and a new kitchen and dining room. The official board met on Monday evening and made plans for renovation and repairs.
  • The boy members of Miss Augusta Smith’s Sunday School class enjoyed a roast on Tuesday as a reward for their success in a class contest.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grogan and granddaughter, Marion Bleezarde, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Roberts of Coeymans Hollow.

Coeymans Herald – July 3, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • A. Van Dyck has had a journeyman at work in his shop manufacturing a large number of horse collars which he can recommend to his customers.
  • A man named Layman, who boarded with Dennis Crowley, was sent to the penitentiary for 30 days by Justice Powell last evening for an assault on Mrs. Crowley.
  • N.H.  Bronk has assumed the duties as postmaster and has deputized H.N. Johnson assistant. The office will remain in its present location for a time at least.
  • Mr. Peter Van Korb received a package of Virginia tobacco, in its natural state, the other day from his son William, who is now sojourning in that state.
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