News Herald – February 23, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Over $35 was given to the treasurer of the Health Club as a result of the three-act drama given in the chapel of the high school last Friday evening. This money will be used as the community nurse finds need for it.
- A party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Suderley on Westerlo Street on Tuesday afternoon in honor of the ninth birthday of their daughter Ann. A number of her girlfriends were present and a very enjoyable time was had by all.
- Powell & Minnock have secured a second crop of ice from their pond. They have harvested 13,000 tons, which is about half the capacity of the house. None of the other companies have made any attempt to harvest any ice this winter.
- The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the M.E. church will meet with Mrs. Thomas T. Briggs this Friday afternoon.
- The C.H.S. attendance is gradually improving as a number of pupils who have been ill are again in school.
- The village caucus for the nomination of officers was held in the firehouse on Tuesday night. There was a light attendance, and the meeting was very harmonious and helpful to the members of the village board as village affairs were very frankly and fairly discussed. The caucus nominated the following ticket to be voted up on at the next village election, to be hold on Tuesday, March 20. For village president, A. VanHoesen; trustees for three years, William J. Swan and LeRoy F. Lisk; treasurer, F.E. Bleezarde; collector, D.S. McCulloch.
- Dorothy McCormick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin McCormick, is home with the mumps.
- A carload of potatoes is expected next week by A. VanHoesen & Son. If you need any of the tubers, call F5. They are scarce in this season just now.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dockstader have returned to their home on Main Street after being absent for several months at Sharon Springs.
- The Ravena-Coeymans Post of the American Legion will hold a dance in Masonic Hall, Ravena, on Friday evening, March 16. Zita and his orchestra will furnish the music.
Coeymans Herald – February 22, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- L.F. Corwin of New Windsor on Monday purchased the elegant and sightly residence on Blaisdell avenue of Capt. A.J. Wolfe, and will take possession the 1st of April.
- The Ravine mill property, sold at foreclosure sale Thursday, was bid in for Blodget & Niles of this village for $3,150. We have not learned to what use it will be converted.
- This winter has been a long and gala one for skating, coasting, tobogganing and other outdoor sports.
- Mr. S.F. Powell has sent in his resignation as postmaster in this place. There are several applicants for this position, but his successor has not been appointed.
- It is darkest before dawn, and eggs are always highest just before Easter.