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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – July 20, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • The low places on Church Street are being treated with a coating of crushed stone and tar.
  • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds in the Brady maternity hospital in Albany on Saturday, July 14.
  • For the first time in a number of years, the hay crop on the Blaisdell farm was harvested without getting wet after being cut. For years it was a common saying, “Look out for rain, they’ve cut the hay on the Blaisdell farm.”
  • As S. Henry Sherman was alighting from Snyder’s bus last Saturday morning near George Shear’s residence on Westerlo Street, a passing automobile knocked him down, but fortunately he was not injured.
  • Arthur Sinsabaugh of Albany was in town several days last week supervising the painting of his handsome motorboat, “Buck.” John Stilan handled the brush and did a fine job. The boat was launched on Saturday and on Sunday, Mr. Sinsabaugh and his son Ralph sailed for Albany. The boat made a fine appearance in its fresh coat of paint.


  • The Ravena Band will give a concert on Sunday afternoon at Mossy Hill Lake at 2 o’clock.  Refreshments of all kinds will be for sale on the grounds.
  • The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church will hold a bake sale on July 28.
  • E.C. Griffin, the Rev. W.E. Baker and the Rev. W.D. Rockwell and Miss Ida Wilbur and Mrs. John Babcock motored to Carversville, Pennsylvania, last week and attended the opening of the new Christian Orphans’ Home. The men of the party met with other members of the denomination for committee work and the ladies represented their Sunday school class.
  • The annual picnic of the Home Department of the Christian Church Sunday School will be held at the home of Mrs. Daniel Grogan on Tuesday, July 31.
  • John Babcock and wife left on Wednesday for a vacation in the northern part of the state. They will visit Alexandria Bay, Ausable Chasm, and will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush on their return.

Coeymans Herald – July 18, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • The excursion season is a bonus for the bus line.
  • Extensive improvements are to be made about the property of Mr. Acton Civill.
  • Quite a number attended the West Shore Coney Island excursion from this place, Sunday.
  • On account of the dullness of the brick market and the low price of brick, manufacturers have reduced the wages of their employees 25 cents per day.
  • Manager Rennie of the Coeymans baseball team has arranged for a match game of ball to take place on their grounds in this village, on Thursday afternoon of this week, at 3 o’clock between his nine and the Schodack club.
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