News Herald – June 29, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Rev. H.T. Jones preached the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening in the M.E. church. The commencement exercises, which were held in the chapel of the high school on Monday evening, were well attended in spite of the warm and sultry weather.
- TenEyck Bronk Powell is home from Cornell University for the summer vacation.
- J. Frangella has improved the looks of his store and dwelling on Westerlo Street by a coat of fresh paint.
- Charles C. Ziegler had to have a portion of his left thumb removed as the result of a cut he received on it several weeks ago.
- Dr. M.S. Reid and Mrs. Reid have returned from Saratoga Springs where the doctor attended the 22nd annual conference of health officers and public health nurses.
- Miss Ella I. Campbell of Milford, who for the past few years has taught grades in Coeymans High School, and N. Bronk Hazelton of this village, were married in the Reformed Church last Thursday at noon by Rev. H.T. Jones, pastor of the church. Harry Carhart and Miss Helen C. Brooks were the attendants.
- The people of Ravena and Coeymans will be treated to community display of fireworks on the evening of July 4th under the joint auspices of the Ravena Hose Company and the Ravena Band, and preceding the fireworks a band concert will be enjoyed. The fireworks will be similar to the big display which is usually enjoyed on Assumption Day. Luciano Polverelli, leader of the Ravena Band, will provide a complete program of classical and popular selections and the boys are in excellent shape.
- The classes of 1923 of the Ravena Schools completed their schoolwork in the auditorium with their various commencement exercises. The completion of their work in the new building was a sense of gratification after having labored for the past three years under such adverse circumstances. The events were all well attended, and although the building itself was not completed, the contractor made a special effort to complete the auditorium for the occasion.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harley Townsend have moved into the two-story dwelling on McCulloch Avenue recently vacated by Howard Hoffman and family, who returned to Aquetuck.
- Round house foreman “Billy” Glenn received some publicity in connection with an article about the new bridge and railroad yards in one of the Albany evening papers this week. Mr. Glenn’s picture appeared in connection with illustrations of the work north of here.
Coeymans Herald – June 27, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- The first excursion of the season at Baeren Island will arrive on Saturday of this week.
- The fire company has ordered their uniforms and will appear in them in the parade on the Fourth.
- The observatory on Baeren Island is nearing completion. It is a lofty and attractive structure, five stories high.
- A regulation of the board of health prohibits the throwing of slops and wash water in the street under the penalty of $100 fine.